(Now available in California)

Fast, dependable service of your summons, subpoenas, and more, anywhere in the U.S.


Our national network of professional process servers delivers to all 50 U.S. States and the District of Columbia.


Add process serving to any court filing or create an order process service only—both options are available on our fast, easy single-screen solution.


Receive email and in-app notifications, updates, and notes after every delivery attempt until service is complete.


1. Fill out a filing

Request service of process for a party or parties in your case initiation.

2. Add relevant parties

Add a party and give any relevant information that will assist the process server execute service.

3. Submit your order

Select a payment type and submit your order. Green Filing will take it from there. Our service of process team will serve your parties as quickly as they can. You will receive email notifications and in-filing updates for each service attempt until service is complete.


Who fulfills Service of Process orders?

Green Filing has partnered with One Legal to fulfill service of process orders generated through our platform.

How much does Service of Process cost?

Cost varies based on the type of service needed for each party. However, once you have entered all parties you wish to have served, our system will display a list of the fees associated for serving each specific party. These fees are estimated and are subject to change based on the needs of serving specific parties.

How soon after I submit my filing does the process server begin service on the parties?

Once you submit the filing and the court issues an envelope number, we send your service of process order to One Legal. There it waits in a queue until the court accepts the envelope and issues the file-stamped copies of your documents. As soon as the court sends Green Filing your conformed copies, we forward them to One Legal and they immediately begin the service process on the requested parties.

How many times will you attempt service on each party?

We make up to five service attempts at your chosen service level for every service recipient.